Monday, July 19, 2010


We may be stressed out in school
But if one of our friends told us
some funny jokes, the word suddenly
become lighter.

The significance of FRIENDSHIP is not
measured by the number of our
relationship with them. .

Out of the hundreds and thousands
of friends you may have,
There will always be one
whom you can truly count on.

True friendship isn't seen in eyes,
It is felt with the heart,
When there is trust, understanding,
loyalty, and sharing.

True friendship does not need elaborate
gifts or spectacular events in order to be valued,
These ingredients mixed with personality and a sense of humor,
can make a FRIENDSHIP last a lifetime.

This poem that i blog is compose of my girlfriend. It defines that friendship can last a lifetime when there is love for each other, care for each other and most of all trust for each other. Friendship is a relationship to one person to whom you share your problems, whom can you tell secrets. Friendship can also be the starting point of love when you get committed to your friend.

- Mike Timothy L. OreƱa BEEd-III

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